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    How to Join

    Be a part of the
    biggest network!

    Take your digital commerce to the next level. Become ONDC-enabled and boost your visibility and discoverability.

    ONDC empowers all businesses in India to benefit from e-commerce. On ONDC's open network, the only thing that counts is the quality of service provided. Whether you are a big or small business, as long as you can deliver high-quality service that aligns with your chosen role on ONDC, you can succeed. Are you ready to make an impact?

    How to Join

    ONDC empowers every business to leverage the advantage of e-commerce in India. The only thing that matters on ONDC’s open network is the quality of the service provided. It doesn’t matter if you are a big business or small, as long as you justify the quality of your service as per the role you choose to play on ONDC. Are you ready to make a difference?

    Steps to Join

    Role Selector

    Proceed with your journey on ONDC by selecting the most suitable role from the list provided below. You can play multiple roles also, depending on your capabilities, offerings, and willingness.

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    Select your role and get started

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    ONDC Participant Portal

    Begin and efficiently manage your journey on ONDC Network

    • Understand and select your role(s)

    • Track, manage and troubleshoot your integration

    • Discover and collaborate with others

    • Stay informed on network developments and announcements