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This portal is designed to provide a seamless and efficient channel for buyers on the ONDC network to report and resolve any issues or concerns you may encounter.
ONDC is committed to providing a responsive and effective grievance redressal service.
We are sorry to hear you had a bad experience. ONDC and all Network Participants have a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, and we are here to help you. Here is how you can get help with your issue:
File a complaint with the app / website through which you placed your order (hereafter called “Buyer App”). If you haven't already filed a complaint, you can use the contact details of the Buyer Apps from the table below to do that.
Upon filing a complaint, the Buyer App will provide you with a ticket number for your complaint, and an estimated time to resolve your complaint.
The Buyer App will then work with the seller and other parties to resolve your issue within that promised time.
You may be asked to provide some additional information (such as photos or screenshots) in order for your complaint to get resolved quickly. So be sure to check your app/ email/ messages/ phone-calls for the same.
If you have already tried this but your issue has not been resolved, please fill out the complaint escalation form below, to raise the complaint to ONDC. ONDC will ensure that your complaint is resolved in a timely manner.
Learn more about how the Buyer App will get your complaint resolved Read More
Showing Buyer Apps with more than 10K orders on ONDC Network in alphabetical order.
You can raise your complaint on the ONDC Grievance Portal. Please ensure that you provide the ticket number issued by the Buyer App along with the complaint. Alternatively, you can file a ticket through the National Consumer Helpline. Please make sure you include the name of the Buyer App in your complaint.
When you file a complaint with the Buyer App, they will issue a ticket number (sometimes called complaint number) to you. That number has to be quoted in your complaint to ONDC. All Buyer Apps are mandated to issue ticket numbers for complaints according to the ONDC Network Policy.
Since you placed your order through the Buyer App, you must first raise the complaint with the Buyer App, and give the Buyer App (and other parties involved) an opportunity to investigate and resolve the issue. The ONDC Network Policy mandates the Buyer App (in coordination with the Seller App) to convey clear resolution timelines to the consumer once the consumer has filed a complaint. If you do not receive the resolution within the promised timeline, the issue can be raised to ONDC for closure.
You can raise the complaint to ONDC, through ONDC Grievance Portal. ONDC will then work with the Buyer App, Seller App and seller to get your complaint resolved. After this, if you are still unhappy with the resolution provided, you may approach any of the ODR service providers listed on the ONDC website. You may also approach the consumer courts for relief under the existing laws, should you wish to.
All Network Participants are mandated to resolve complaints within the timelines specified by the applicable laws. Typically, for e-commerce transactions, under the Consumer Protection (E-commerce) Rules 2020, the maximum time to respond to a complaint is 48, and the maximum time to resolve the complaint is 30 days. The ONDC Network policy reiterates this obligation. If the Buyer App has given a timeline that is longer than what is stated in the applicable laws, you can file a complaint with ONDC. ONDC will then work with the Buyer App to ensure your complaint is resolved within the time limits specified by the law.
The grievance process provided by ONDC does not, in any way, diminish the consumer’s right to seek relief through the courts or alternative dispute resolution (ADR), such as mediation or arbitration. If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided, you are free to approach the consumer courts for relief under the existing laws. Once the matter is referred to the courts, the matter will be resolved through the due process under the applicable law (e.g.: Consumer Protection Act, BIS Act etc).
That said, ONDC makes every effort to ensure that the customer gets a timely resolution without having to go to the courts, because the courts can take a long time to decide a matter. For that same reason, ONDC also provides a list of empanelled Online Dispute Resolution service providers on its website, if you want to opt for mediation/ conciliation/ arbitration, instead of going to the courts.
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