Find the right Technology Service Provider

Select the right Technology Service Provider who can help you close the integration journey faster. Choose from the below list of TSPs, do make sure that TSP is live on the domains that you require as per Pramaan. This gives an assurance that the software being supplied by TSP is capable of interacting using ONDC API specifications.

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You may also reach out to TSPs who can help you build the software as required.

List of TSPs

# Organization Details Roles Domains tested on Pramaan NP Clients
1. ID: 124
Name: ABC Private Limited
TSP - Buyer ONDC:TRV10 - Ride hailing 2314- Ushop (
9081- xpressbazaar (


This is a list of TSPs who’s software has been tested on Pramaan. You are expected to do thorough due diligence before entering into any business arrangement with any of these entities. ONDC shall not be liable for issues arising out of this arrangement between you and TSPs.

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